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Recent write-ups by Shikhar Pathak

Forever When I'll be in a state of zero Youth also may have changed its colour Only the last stop will remain yet to cover I w...

Monday 29 January 2024

Power of Multilingualism : Celebrating pluralism through Languages of India

 In the symphony of humanity, where diversity is the melody and unity the harmony, we stand at the crossroads of linguistic richness—India, a tapestry woven with the vibrant threads of countless languages. Today, I invite you to contemplate the profound power of multilingualism, a force that not only defines our nation but serves as a beacon, nurturing unity in the splendid diversity that is India.

As we traverse the linguistic landscape of this incredible nation, let us marvel at the kaleidoscope of languages spoken from the Himalayan peaks to the serene shores of the Indian Ocean. It is in this linguistic panorama that we discover the true essence of our unity—a unity that thrives not in uniformity but in the celebration of our unique voices.

Imagine for a moment the literary treasures housed within the scripts of Hindi, Tamil, Bengali, and myriad others. Each language, a custodian of stories, folklore, and wisdom passed down through generations. These linguistic vessels do not merely convey words; they carry the weight of our cultural heritage, binding us to our roots even as we reach for the sky.

In a world that sometimes seeks to build walls, our multilingualism becomes a bridge, a bridge that spans the rivers of misunderstanding and connects the diverse landscapes of our minds. It is a testament to our ability to communicate across boundaries, fostering empathy and understanding in a society where differences can either be a source of division or a wellspring of strength.

Consider the marketplaces, bustling with the cacophony of languages intermingling like a lively dance. Here, multilingualism is not a cacophony but a harmonious convergence—a linguistic mosaic where each phrase, each word, contributes to the vibrant marketplace of ideas, commerce, and shared experiences.

Beyond the practical advantages that multilingualism bestows upon us, it is a philosophical cornerstone, reminding us that unity does not demand conformity. Unity flourishes when we embrace the beauty of our linguistic diversity, acknowledging that every language spoken is a brushstroke on the canvas of our shared identity.

In the grand narrative of our nation's journey, let us recognize that our languages are not just a means of communication; they are vessels of culture, bridges of understanding, and catalysts for unity. Multilingualism is our strength, a power that we wield to forge connections, build bridges, and nurture a sense of collective belonging in the vast and intricate tapestry that is India.

As we celebrate the power of multilingualism, let it be a clarion call for unity—a unity not imposed but embraced, not stifling diversity but thriving on it. In the eloquent words of our diverse languages, let us find the common chords that resonate with the spirit of a united and harmonious India.



Friday 24 November 2023

It feels Good!

When fever ascends, a peculiar state prevails. I lie on the bed, feeling as if I am reclining on the softest bed in the world. Where I lie, the entire expanse is utterly plush, comforting, and joyous. Yet, around me, on the same bed, some thorns have emerged. They are advancing toward me rapidly, but are unable to reach me. I remain unperturbed. Half of my attention is centered on the luxurious bed providing comfort, while the other half gazes at those thorns. There is no aversion, no fear, just an observation that they are attempting to approach me.

The fever gradually intensifies, climbing to my head. My eyes close. Now, it feels as if I am lying in some vast ocean. Its water is warm but not burning, a gentle warmth akin to the sunlight in winter. My body is calm, relaxed. The warm water of the ocean has permeated my body, creating a gentle tremor within, yet there is no restlessness. Eyes closed, my body seems to dissolve.

After a while, a profound weariness sets in. In the midst of the intense fever, I move my body slightly, emitting a groan. I open my eyes lightly and see a CFL bulb flickering. Unsure if it's dawn or dusk, the CFL flickers for twenty-four hours. I close my eyes again, and my body, once again, begins to dissolve into relaxation.

I ponder: Am I alive? What does it mean to be alive? Is something taking birth within me? Are my breaths mingling with the air? Does my personality affect anyone? What is my significance? I have no clue about the extent of light or darkness; why do I exist?

Yet, these questions do not disturb me; I contemplate them with a serene mind.

Two days later, the fever subsides, and I feel a lightness. Until now, it seemed as if I was carrying someone else's burden on my shoulders. That burden lifts. Rising from the soft bed, I place my feet on the cool ground, which provides tranquility. Removing the curtain and stepping outside, I witness brightness; the sunlight is vibrant. I take a deep breath, and the outside air merges with my breath.

I am content. It feels like there is still some life left within me. I am alive. The impact of my existence is positive.

Today, again, it feels good, just like that.

Recently, I overcame the fever of love. I was lying still, with closed eyes, and something was merging within.

Today, life is felt again, light and very light.

It feels good.

Saturday 29 July 2023

Wonders of Wait !

 Infinite Longing

Amidst the tranquil night's embrace, when stillness blankets the world tenderly, my heart seeks solace in the haunting tunes of the 2020s. In the darkness, you emerge like a gentle phantom, your luminous grin, once my sunlit world, now a poignant memory etched within me. Your playful gestures, once familiar and close, now dance before me like fragments of a distant reverie, evoking laughter that intertwines with tears.

In these moments of quiet reflection, my heart yearns, wondering if the cosmos ever whispers our names together. Do you, too, wander through the corridors of memories, retracing the steps of our shared journey? Does the ghost of our love linger within you, or has time dispersed its essence to the winds?

The memories we crafted together are like delicate threads weaving through the fabric of my being, their warmth and tenderness a striking contrast to the chill of the present. Yet, destiny has led us on separate paths, and our once united hearts now drift apart.

In the shadows of hope and fate, I hold onto the fragile chance that the universe, with its infinite wisdom, will conspire to reunite us once again. Perhaps, on a day blessed by celestial harmony, as the sun rises with newfound brilliance, the melody of my phone's ring will quiver with anticipation, and your voice will reach my ears, uttering those simple, enchanting words, "Hello Shikhar."

Until that destined encounter unfolds, I treasure these bittersweet memories like precious gems. They stand as a testament to the beauty of what we once shared, casting a soft glow upon the contours of my heart. Amid life's unpredictable symphony, I'll carry this treasure, a beacon of love enduring through the darkest nights, guiding me towards an uncertain future, where possibilities abound.

Tuesday 16 May 2023

Nameless Love

Nameless Love : Unveiled in Words

You are  beyond the ocean, while I am on this shore, merely glimpsing the infinite. From where the fragrance emanates, touching the strands of your hair on your shoulder as they sway with the passing breeze, transforming in the waves. I sit here, gathering you in these small writings, sometimes raising questions that arise from poems. I observe silently and move forward with a smile. These writings and poems seem purposeless, written without any basis or foundation, just like everything being baseless. Yet, you peek through every word, nameless and completely anonymous. However, gauging beauty becomes remarkably easy, just as one can sense the immense beauty within the Taj Mahal without seeing what lies inside its outer walls.

A phase of assumptions begins to circulate among the people around, even among those who know both of us. But searching for such pure relationships with such impure eyes, regarding love, is not as easy for them. I create a maze with intricate words, which anyone can read, but understanding them requires spending a lifetime. Yes, I am speaking of the same time that you and I have spent together in a few moments.

By the way, someday send a paper boat with your name from that corner of the ocean. If it reaches me, I will ignite your name. Along with my name, yes, with the same false name by which people know me.

I have never said that I love you, neither to people nor through these poems and writings. However, I have heard people saying that "I am in love"...!



