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Saturday, 29 July 2023

Wonders of Wait !

 Infinite Longing

Amidst the tranquil night's embrace, when stillness blankets the world tenderly, my heart seeks solace in the haunting tunes of the 2020s. In the darkness, you emerge like a gentle phantom, your luminous grin, once my sunlit world, now a poignant memory etched within me. Your playful gestures, once familiar and close, now dance before me like fragments of a distant reverie, evoking laughter that intertwines with tears.

In these moments of quiet reflection, my heart yearns, wondering if the cosmos ever whispers our names together. Do you, too, wander through the corridors of memories, retracing the steps of our shared journey? Does the ghost of our love linger within you, or has time dispersed its essence to the winds?

The memories we crafted together are like delicate threads weaving through the fabric of my being, their warmth and tenderness a striking contrast to the chill of the present. Yet, destiny has led us on separate paths, and our once united hearts now drift apart.

In the shadows of hope and fate, I hold onto the fragile chance that the universe, with its infinite wisdom, will conspire to reunite us once again. Perhaps, on a day blessed by celestial harmony, as the sun rises with newfound brilliance, the melody of my phone's ring will quiver with anticipation, and your voice will reach my ears, uttering those simple, enchanting words, "Hello Shikhar."

Until that destined encounter unfolds, I treasure these bittersweet memories like precious gems. They stand as a testament to the beauty of what we once shared, casting a soft glow upon the contours of my heart. Amid life's unpredictable symphony, I'll carry this treasure, a beacon of love enduring through the darkest nights, guiding me towards an uncertain future, where possibilities abound.

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