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Recent write-ups by Shikhar Pathak

Forever When I'll be in a state of zero Youth also may have changed its colour Only the last stop will remain yet to cover I w...

Tuesday, 16 May 2023

Nameless Love

Nameless Love : Unveiled in Words

You are  beyond the ocean, while I am on this shore, merely glimpsing the infinite. From where the fragrance emanates, touching the strands of your hair on your shoulder as they sway with the passing breeze, transforming in the waves. I sit here, gathering you in these small writings, sometimes raising questions that arise from poems. I observe silently and move forward with a smile. These writings and poems seem purposeless, written without any basis or foundation, just like everything being baseless. Yet, you peek through every word, nameless and completely anonymous. However, gauging beauty becomes remarkably easy, just as one can sense the immense beauty within the Taj Mahal without seeing what lies inside its outer walls.

A phase of assumptions begins to circulate among the people around, even among those who know both of us. But searching for such pure relationships with such impure eyes, regarding love, is not as easy for them. I create a maze with intricate words, which anyone can read, but understanding them requires spending a lifetime. Yes, I am speaking of the same time that you and I have spent together in a few moments.

By the way, someday send a paper boat with your name from that corner of the ocean. If it reaches me, I will ignite your name. Along with my name, yes, with the same false name by which people know me.

I have never said that I love you, neither to people nor through these poems and writings. However, I have heard people saying that "I am in love"...!






  1. Damm such a beauty hidden in words

  2. Amazing 😍

  3. The depth it has.....and how beautifully It made me think over thoughts that I had forgotten somewhere.

    1. Thank you πŸ’•
      Glad that you liked it 😊🀍

  4. Such a beautiful hidden expression...❣️
