The Land of Liberty
I love my country’s pine-clad hills,Her thousand bright and gushing rills,
Her sunshine and her storms;
Her rough and rugged rocks, that rear
Their hoary heads high in the air
In wild, fantastic forms.
I love her rivers, deep and wide,
Those mighty streams that seaward glide
To seek the ocean’s breast;
Her smiling fields, her pleasant vales,
Her shady dells, her flow’ry dales,
The haunts of peaceful rest.
I love her forests, dark and lone,
For there the wild bird’s merry tone
I hear from morn till night;
And there are lovelier flowers, I ween,
Than e’er in Eastern lands were seen,
In varied colors bright.
Her forests and her valleys fair,
Her flowers that scent the morning air–
All have their charms for me;
But more I love my country’s name,
Those words that echo deathless fame,
“The Land of Liberty.”
#land of liberty
No matter where I go Every time I look back on this road You'll always be a part of who I amEverything I've known Every seed of greatness you have sown Through good and bad Your love has watched me grow You teach me right from wrong Inspire me to be strong You care in every way In my heart you will always... stay In this moment let me say How I'm gratefulEveryday, you are here To guide my way When I'm lost, beside me stay In this moment let me say You turn my little into great There's no fear, my dreams awake With you.....